Thursday, February 14, 2013

Three Reasons to Use Dual-SIM Mobile Phones

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Author: This article is written by Louise Miller. Louise graduated from LSE in 2011 with an MA in engineering and is now working as a freelance web designer. She loves blogging about tech and social media in her free time, especially all things Android.

Dual-SIM mobile phones are an often overlooked category of handset. Most of us have enough trouble with just one SIM card – why would we want two? But there are several good reasons to use dual-SIM mobile phones, and we'll outline three of these below.

Accessing services while abroad
As online services like banking become an increasingly essential function ofmobile phones, there’s an ever greater needfor users to be connected and contactable wherever they are in the world. This is where dual-SIM mobile phones are indispensable.

Let’s take the example of online banking and two-step transactionauthorizationthat requires users to input personal details anda code sent to them by the bank via SMS.In most cases this wouldn’t be problematic – your phone is usually conveniently within reach. But in certain scenarios – like when you're travelling and are using a local SIM card – completing a banking transaction this way can be cumbersome.

The easy solution is a dual-SIM mobile phone. This would allow you to access your main SIM card from your phone, without having to physically slot it in and out of the handset every time you needed to perform a transaction. At the same time, you couldalso take advantage of local phone and data ratesvia a second SIM, avoiding paying expensive roaming charges.

Separation of phone identities
Dual-SIM mobile phones are extremely useful for another purpose: separating different parts of your lifewithout carrying more thanone phone. The clearest advantage would come from designating one phone number to work matters and another to personal communication. If both SIM cards are contained in one handset, you can easily access both profiles as necessaryand – perhaps more importantly – shut them down when appropriate.

For example, if you were attending an extended work meeting, a dual-SIM mobile phone would easily allow you to silence, monitor, or shut off completely calls and messages to your personal number. Conversely, after work hours, you could block off work calls easily to concentrate on quality personal time. Withmany manufacturers (including Lenovo, Samsung, and Nokia) releasing dual-SIM mobile phones, you only need one handset in your pocket.

Better networking
Dual-SIM mobile phones can be useful for another slightly craftier reason. Many mobile carriers offer preferential rates on certain types of communication or data usage patterns. The most popular package deal is free calls to other numbers on the same network – the idea, of course, is to promote loyalty among customers. With a dual-SIM mobile phone featuring two local SIMs you can double your amount of free calls to numbers across networks.

Usefully, dual-SIM mobile phones also mean increased network access. Some cities, for example, have very uneven network coverage across carriers. The eastern part of a city may receive a strong signal on Network A, while the western section might see the same signal weaken to inacceptable levels, favouring Network B.Having two SIM cards means you can switch to the network with the best coverage and the strongest signal for your location, quickly and conveniently. 

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