Most search engine specialists often overlook the fact that images are an asset for organic search results and also for search engine optimization. You may not be aware of the fact that images have the power to drive traffic to your website and also include your website among various search engine results.
They are an integral part of your SEO efforts and therefore you must give them utmost importance when you’re already designing your website. You need to keep in mind several dimensions about image optimization in order to make sure that you secure the highest rank on the search engine results.
When it comes to image SEO, you must always think of implementing another tiny webpage within your webpage. In order to optimize images for search engines, you have to take into account factors like descriptive tagging, anchor text, url structure and many more. Have a look at some image optimization tips that you must consider in order to help your website enjoy the privilege of remaining on the top of search engine results.
1. Pick the right images for your website
Finding the most appropriate images for your web page is the first and foremost job that you must do. If you pick the right images that suit the theme and content of your website, you can encourage people to share the page and also create some great back links.
Recent researches show that though text is still the most important thing that a person checks in a website, the images are the main things that sells the web page. You can Google images in order to find the best one according to your web page.
2. Choose the right anchor text:
When it comes to image SEO, anchor text is another important factor that needs to be kept in mind. If you decide to link to the images with the text, your anchor text will play a significant role and how your image has been ranked for keywords will be important.
For instance if you link to an image with a generic term like image or photo, the search engines cannot decipher the actual information about the image.
3. Use the keywords in the file name:
Just as you may know that keywords in post URLs are important for all pages, the same is also true for the images. If you use keyword-rich words in your image file-name, you can assist the search engines to determine its relevancy.
As per the suggestions of Google, you must try to place all your images in a single folder rather than keeping them in random folders throughout the website.
4. The alt text must be descriptive:
The texts or tags are yet another way in which the search engines determine what exactly your image is about.
The search engines cannot determine the text content of a particular image and hence they will usually rely on the text that is there surrounding the image and the captions that are added. Therefore, always add a descriptive text so that the search engines determine the exact content of the image.
5. File Size
File size is another important factor dealing with SEO images. You must know that heavy images will take long time to get displayed on browser. Heavy images will slowly load the web pages. After the latest Google Panda update, over all time taken to load web pages has become main algorithm for search engine rankings. So make your pages lighter so that they can display quickly and user does not get fade up. In general Gif format is the best and ideal option for web pages because they have lowest file size mostly in bytes.Therefore, if you want to make sure that your website ranks higher in the search engine results, make sure you practice effective image SEO.
Follow the tips mentioned above and enjoy remaining on the top of the search engine results.