Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Teeny, Tiny Tech Gadgets You Won't Believe Exist

When it comes to gadgets, the smaller the better, right? You might have a hard time believing these tiny devices actually work, but they sure do. And they all fit right in your hand. Just be sure not to lose 'em! 

Compact Camera

It's a teeny camcorder, DVR, hidden webcam, and camera ($16) all in one. And it actually works — you know, if you don't crush it while you try to take a snap. 

Game Boy Micro

Not just for kid fingers. At two inches wide and almost three ounces in weight, this Game Boy Micro ($170) was discontinued in 2008, but lucky for you, you can still get it on Amazon. 

Small Speaker

Yes, that's a minispeaker ($10) that fits on your fingertip, and it only weighs 17 grams. Seventeen grams! But it promises to bump your tunes just as well as any other speaker. 

Wee Walkie Talkie

Is this the world's smallest walkie talkie ($15)? That's what it claims to be, and while we may never know for sure, it definitely looks like it. Just think of all the microcommunication that awaits. Little  

Flash Drive

It calls itself the world's smallest USB 3.0 flash drive ($96), and it's hard to challenge that claim. Just look at the teeny thing! If you didn't think it could do more than hold 64GB of data, you're wrong — it also comes with a small LED activity light. 


So you could buy a mini, dorm-size fridge (already a feat of miniaturization wonder), but why bother with all that wasted cubic feet when all you're going to be storing is the twice-daily Diet Coke? The answer is this USB LED cooler ($15, originally $30), which plugs into a computer to chill one beverage at a time.

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