Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Zoomer Interactive Dog

Zoomer is an electronic dalmatian puppy suitable for kids between 5-10 years. This interactive dog follows you with his eyes and even understands commands in English, Spanish and French. In the UK version, Zoomer can respond to commands in Russian as well.

Zoomer has motorized joints and sensors in his chest to detect motion, objects and touch. This helps him mimic the movements of a real dog. When you download the free iOS or Android app, you can get training tips for your puppy such as: sit, play dead, roll over and more. Zoomer even wanders off or pees on the floor when he gets bored.

Since Zoomer has a rechargeable battery and comes with a USB cable for charging, you don't have to worry about batteries and older kids should be able to recharge their pet themselves. He is the perfect companion for your kids without having to deal with the mess, vaccinations or responsibilities of an actual dog!

Zoomer is available for around $100 on a number of online websites such as www.smythstoys.com and www.amazon.co.uk.

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