Thursday, May 26, 2011

T-Mobile Doubles 4G, Introduces Rocket 3.0 Laptop Stick!

In a world where second-gen devices launch mere months after their predecessors, I guess it’s not too much of a surprise that large-scale upgrades are already being implemented to 4G networks. T-Mobile, specifically, has announced that it will double the speed of its 4G network in 55 different markets.
The goal is to offer download speeds of 42 Mbps to Atlanta, Ga., Chicago, Ill., Los Angeles, Calif, among others. And that’s not all T-Mo customers have to look forward to, as the pink carrier is also launching its first 42 Mbps-capable 4G product, a laptop sick called the T-Mobile Rocket 3.0.
Manufactured by ZTE, the Rocket 3.0 laptop stick will sell for $99.99 after a $50 mail-in rebate on a 2GB two-year contract. Off-contract, the Rocket 3.0 will jump to $199.99. T-Mobile promises more 4G devices soon, 25 in 2011 to be exact, to join the dozen 4G-capable devices already in its portfolio.

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