The much requested and eagerly awaited custom permalink (custom post
URL) for Blogger (blogspot) has finally arrived. However you need to
sign in at the Blogger in Draft ( instead of the usual
Note: whenever a post is published, Blogger automatically create a permalink of the form
where the blogger-custom-permalink part would have come from the post title (Blogger custom permalink....)
You will have no control on the permalink other than by choosing the words for your post title. There is also a limit to the number of characters in the permalink. Thus, if you have a very long post title, the last few words will be left out of the permalink.
This new feature will be an additional option in the right sidebar of the post editor titled Enclosure Links
You can either leave the default ( . )AUTOMATIC URL ticked in which case it remains status queue and the permalink will be generated automatically for you as before.
I you tick the second option ( . ) Custom URL, you can then type in whatever you wish even if they are not related to the post title, or you can leave out the - or you can create permalink of any number of characters and not be subjected to the limit Blogger imposes on the automatic permalink generation.
Note: whenever a post is published, Blogger automatically create a permalink of the form
where the blogger-custom-permalink part would have come from the post title (Blogger custom permalink....)
You will have no control on the permalink other than by choosing the words for your post title. There is also a limit to the number of characters in the permalink. Thus, if you have a very long post title, the last few words will be left out of the permalink.
This new feature will be an additional option in the right sidebar of the post editor titled Enclosure Links
You can either leave the default ( . )AUTOMATIC URL ticked in which case it remains status queue and the permalink will be generated automatically for you as before.
I you tick the second option ( . ) Custom URL, you can then type in whatever you wish even if they are not related to the post title, or you can leave out the - or you can create permalink of any number of characters and not be subjected to the limit Blogger imposes on the automatic permalink generation.