In the latest speculation about Apple's TV plans, Topeka Capital's Brian
White is predicting an iTV package for this year that will
revolutionize the TV viewing experience.
Topeka Capital's Brian White went on the road, visiting the
China-Taiwan tech supply chain to glean some intelligence on what Apple
will launch in the coming months, and he found the "iRing."
In his latest research note, issued today, the analyst reaffirmed his
prediction that Apple will introduce a 60-inch iTV system in the later
part of 2013 for between $1,500 and $2,500, depending on configuration
and accessories. He added that it would include an iRing, a small device
placed on the finger that serves as a navigational pointer, taking over
some of the functionality of a traditional remote control.
He also predicted that the iTV system will come with optional
"mini iTV" screens for viewing TV content as well as other
applications, such as home security and video conferencing. White wrote:
Essentially, we believe the "mini iTV" screens will be able to capture content from the 60-inch "iTV" across a distance of up to 200 meters, allowing a user to view "iTV" content in the kitchen, washroom, garage, bedroom, backyard, etc. We believe Apple will offer one "mini iTV" per "iTV" but package options will include up to four screens (i.e., one screen is part of the standard package and pay extra for each additional).
White also believes that the rumored iWatch, in addition to the now
rumored iRing, will be integral to the iTV system."The interaction
between 'iTV' and making phone calls will be an important feature of
this experience, while the 'iWatch' and 'iRing' will provide increased
mobility around the home, supplanting the need to carry a smartphone
around the house," he wrote.
White, who set a 12-month price target for Apple of $1,111 last year,
cut it to $888 in January 2013. At midday, Apple was up 3 percent to
Apple has been silent on any plans for a TV product. "There's a lot we
can contribute in this space, so we can continue to pull the string and
see where it leads us," Apple CEO Tim Cook said during the company's first-quarter earnings call in January.