Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Nintendo Wii U, PlayStation 4, Xbox 720: All That You Want to Know About Next-Gen Console

The next- generation of console war has started on a right note. But the actual consoles from Sony and Microsoft are coming soon, very soon. Well, sort of, both console makers have started making buzz - a little early than usual. Sony will be the first to talk about its console on February 20th, the other challenger will soon follow Sony's footstep. Both Playstation 4 and Xbox 720 (official names still be confirmed), will be powerful, powerful enough to make Nintendo Wii U dwarf. It is said that The BIG 3; Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft, are ready to fight with app ecosystem. 
Until now, consoles were the only preferred medium for playing games. Of course, there is a split between hardcore gamers and casual gamers. The games available on smartphones and tablets, are predominantly caters to casual gamers. Take for instance, Temple Run 2- the fastest growing mobile game ever. The game has been downloaded over 50 million times in two- weeks. As the popularity of free and one cents game grows; console makers need to invent for their survival. Nintendo Wii U, PlayStation 4, Xbox 720: All That You Want to Know Talking about Sony, the makers behind PlayStation brand are looking for reinvention. In real sense, hey made console gaming the most fashionable term - thanks to PlayStation 2. 
Their last home console - PlayStation 3, is fighting for survival. Firstly, making a game for PS3 is a tedious task. Many developers believe that they find no difference between PS3 and Xbox 360 when it comes to raw power. Even though, PS3 has better graphic power in comparison to Xbox 360 - what matters is the fact that how a game looks on screen. Nintendo ushered big with its Wii console, but it soon died as consumers just don't want to see repetitiveness in game play. Slowly consumers made an entry into Microsoft's eco system. The Xbox 360 is indeed a decent console with plenty of first -person shooter (its core strength). The console has the best online gaming experience, far better, than the PlayStation network. Is the story of console war ended? The answer to this question is possibly - No. 
Nintendo Wii U - Really an eighth-generation console? 
Last year, Nintendo launched a new home console with better graphics. The Wii U has arrived, finally, making gamers back to the consoles. The console has a unique game controller: a 6.2-inch tablet with built in game controls. The Japanese gaming giant also announced some heavy titles backing Wii U gaming console. As of now, the system largely has ports of previous generation (PS3 and Xbox 360) console games. Developers are facing problems also because the controller used in Wii U is beyond their imagination. Playing Call of Duty 2 without traditional controllers will surely give you nightmares. Plus lack of exclusive games, is yet another major blow for team Nintendo. 
PlayStation 4: Specifications and possible release date
Sony's PlayStation 4 will be announced later this month. The console will likely to sell at around Rs.22, 000($400). It will have the best possible hardware with sufficient RAM to run heavy games. As per rumors, PS4 will be powered by AMD64 CPU with 8-core graphics chip under the hood. Someone from the company slipped a word on the possible features of PS4. The console will follow Nitendo's footsteps. Possibly, there are chances, that Sony will introduce a new gaming controller with embedded touch screen. One cannot deny - Gaikai backed (Now owned by Sony) gaming service linked with PlayStation network. Is this what Sony thinks about the future of gaming? Only time will tell.
Xbox 720: Specifications and possible release date 
Sony is ready to announce PS4 later this month another major player - Microsoft is equally interested in making gamers aware about Xbox 720. The upcoming console is said to have Siri -like voice control fatures. It is interesting to note that the next-generation of Xbox 360 will have better Kinect support (Kinect 2.0) and built in IPTV setup. Like PS4, this console by Microsoft, will have a touch screen controller. Recently it was reported that the company is working on an Xbox - branded tablet. The console will block second hand games as well. Few months ago Sony also filed a patent in regards to blocking of second hand games. The future Xbox console will be a connected device. The console will be powerful with two GPUs powering the console. There are possibilities of two dual graphics chip: a powerful GPU for gaming and smaller one for running other media functions. It will be integrated with Windows Phone 8 as well as Widows 8. Add 3D as well as full - 1080p HD resolution. As per analysts, the new console will be launched this year in October. 
With Android -based gaming consoles soon making their way into our homes such as - Ouya among others; there is a need to bring unique gaming experience on board. It would be interesting to see how these console makers (Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft) do- in order to bring casual gamers on their respective platforms. Apple is also building its gaming ambition with the possible launch of T.V. On the other hand PC gaming is also looking for a second chance.

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