Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Golden Xbox One commands nearly $10k

Retailing for £6,000 ($9,800) from London's boutique department store Harrods is a 24-carat gold plated Xbox One. The piece was supplied by Crystal Rocked, a customization company also based in the UK capital that specialises in applying crystal and gold layers to headphones, smartphones, and tablets – even concert pianos.

Reddit user SirSyhn posted the image after spotting Microsoft's gold-encrusted console on a trip around the London store – one founded by a 19th century grocer and now owned by Qatar's investment arm.

Is it art, or a new perspective on the shiny console's standard $499 tag? Does it include a complimentary subscription to Microsoft's $50-a-year online access scheme, Xbox Live Gold? No, sir, it does not, neither are its controllers, cables, nor Kinect sensor plated in aurelian gilt.

And for the rest of us, a pressurized can of colored spray costs around $5. Voiding a warranty is priceless.

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