Amazon India's festival special offers are about to pour in with the Great Indian Festival Sale, but there is another offer on the app you may not know about. Apart from the sale, Amazon has a mobile app exclusive offer called the Amazon App Jackpot where you can win upto Rs 2 lakh worth of prizes if you are lucky. The Amazon Great Indian Sale will start from September 21 and will go on until September 24. With the upcoming festival season in the country, online shopping going to get a big boost where buyers will try our various deals and discounts on most e-commerce websites. In fact, even Flipkart has announced that it will host its famous Big Billion Days sale during the same days. The Flipkart offer will go on from September 20 to September 24. It should be noted that the Amazon Sale will take place from September 20, for Prime users.
Meanwhile, when it comes to the Amazon Jackpot offer, there are plenty of prizes to be won and most of them are smartphones and other electronic items. The products on offer are, Apple iPad Air 2, OnePlus 5, Sony PS4 1TB console, Panasonic LED Smart TV, Moto G5s Plus, Fitbit Blaze smartwatch, and Seagate 5Th hard drive. In order to avail the offer, all you need to do is download the Amazon mobile app on your smartphone and sign in with your credentials. The offer is available on both Android and iOS devices. This contest will go on until October 31, 2017.
It should be noted that there are certain terms and conditions, including eligibility criteria related to the offer, and you should read them before availing it. At the end of the contest period, seven 7 participants who undertake the actions, will be selected by a random draw of lots to be eligible to answer the contest question which they will receive from Amazon through an email.
The selected participants who answer the contest question correctly within the stipulated time period will be eligible to receive one of the products mentioned above. When you enter the Contest, you will not be eligible to club it with any other sale or offer. The winner will be announced on November 3, 2017.