Nowadays developing a mobile app is easier than marketing it, because marketing the mobile needs a lot of work that needs to be done such as analyzing the targeted audience and many other works. Many think that everything is over once the app is developed and they would settle down but here comes the problem where the business provider wants to make the audience to download their app. Marketing or promoting the mobile application is one of the best ideas to increase the downloads and also the users, here are the top 8 effective ways to promote a mobile application.
1. Investing in SEM
SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing, is a type of internet marketing that helps to increase the visibility of the application. Usually this method of advertising functions in a way called PPC (Pay per Click), in order to make the app top the list quality content in the form of text or video needs to be done. Investing time and money on this would sure pay off well.
2. Utilize the Social Media
Now, this is one the wisest option that anyone has got, starting a page in social media like Facebook and other are much important. It is also a lucrative idea to advertise in the social media as that is an open arena; this also helps the service provider to get in a personal touch with their audience. This will be kept in mind of the mobile app developers while developing the when prior information is provided beforehand.
3. Work on the Video Content
Video contents are one that helps to gain a lot of attention, long gone were the days where people used to write a lot of text content now people want to be more flexible about the advertisement they watch, so it is important to be short as well as elegant. Video marketing reaches a lot of people faster than any other type of advertisements. This helps to reach a lot of people through multiple platforms like Vimeo, Youtube, Facebook, etc.
4. App & Play Store Optimization
App Store Optimization (APO) is one such important aspect that needs to be paid a lot of attention, it acts as a search engine optimization for the app store alone more like the search engine optimization. App Store Optimization involves these four strategies,
ü The strategic way of naming the application
ü Using the apt keyword for the app
ü Triggering the targeted audience to buy/download with the help of a sound description.
ü Focusing on the feedback such as reviews and the ratings provided by the users.
5. Writing Guest Posts
This is an ideal way to increase a lot of customers and audience to the app, there are a lot of guest posts websites available on the internet. While writing a guest post there need to be some ideas that are kept in mind, the content needs to be elegant, deep and meaningful, bearing a great knowledge is much important and the content that lacks in-depth knowledge will hardly entice the audience.
6. Focusing on Receiving Reviews from Trusted Websites
Receiving feedback from customers or end-users aren’t the only solution to promote the app, receiving reviews and ratings from a trusted website is another way of increasing the users and in a way, this acts as a promotion to the application. This would even help to gain a lot of new users, users that of the website and those of following the website. Overall this will generate an increase in the users of the application.
7. Press Release to Go Viral
Advertising over the press and the media is one of the best ideas to make the app reach many places, this helps to cover all the targeted audience as the press has a lot of audience to them. Television, newspaper and other modes of press releases are very helpful for all kinds of advertising and have a higher chance of generating revenue to the service provider. Pricing of the app, URL, screenshots are a few things that need to be added to the advertisement.
8. Traditional Banners
This is another way and one of the most traditional and simple ways too, this has proven benefits and revenue when compared to other types of advertising. When going for this option a banner is much worth of investing the money, the location of the banner placement has a lot to do with the revenue and be mindful to set up the ads where your targeted audience often visits.
These are some of the ways to promote the mobile software applications, and some these points need to be customized according to the local culture of the particular geographical location and also to the people and their requirements.
Author Bio:
Gaurika Nissim is working as a Technical Writer to Doxtar. She has a lot of potentials that is reflected in the technical content she develops. Most of the clients’ doubts and the queries are met with the sound content that she produces. With her present and articles she writes, Doxtar is able to achieve a lot in such a short span.