Friday, February 8, 2019

Future Of E-Commerce

Is Ecommerce Anywhere Close To Becoming the Primary Shopping Method?

It’s hardly a secret by this point that ecommerice is among the fastest growing industries currently in existence. And you know what? It is not showing signs of slowing down any time soon.

However, no matter how much or how fast ecommerce seems to develop, it appears that it will never be close to taking over the brick and mortar model of buying goods that still rules the market. Nevertheless, the overwhelming popularity that brick and mortar shops enjoy is certainly not going to make the ecommerce industry slow down.

And why should it? After all, the gap between the two models of shopping has never been smaller.

According to the infographic below, in 2017, retail ecommerce transactions on a global level amounted to just over $2.3 trillion. This number is projected to grow to $4.88 trillion by the time 2021 comes our way.

If this estimate turns out to be anywhere close to accurate, the market share for ecommerce will be far from marginal. It still wouldn't be enough to overshadow brick and mortar shops, but scenarios in which ecommerce becomes able to overcome traditional shopping would become a lot more realistic than it is the case now.

The following infographic is all about investigating the trends currently spearheading the ecommerce industry is all about investigating the trends currently spearheading the ecommerce industry, massively contributing to its development and allowing it to align with the technological progress of our day and age.

The infographic examines a total of 60 captivating current trends forecasted to have a direct impact on the future of ecommerce. By dissecting the current state of the industry, the text you're about to read allows you to measure the current pulse of ecommerce.

It also treats you with an exciting preview of what you can expect to happen in the industry as it continues to develop at such a rapid pace.


Future of Ecommerce

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