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Hey all, I’m Maria.I’m
a blogger and have written articles on technology and finance related issues
such as PPI
Claims eligibility, payday
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Fed up with the
delays and discontinuities while browsing? Looking for tips to break them
somehow? Eagerly waiting to have a wonderful browsing experience?You have come
to the perfect place where you can get all the info in detail.
Right things for bright experience
You generally browse internet on mobiles, laptops, PCs and iPods to search about something, shop online, work online, play games, share information or meet people. As you know that internet has become the most addictive thing in your life, you cannot tolerate unusual breaks during your browsing. Sometimes you get frustrated and feel like throwing gadget because of your worst browsing experience. To avoid these problems, you need to follow certain basic strategies-like:
Right updates
Ensure that the following things are updated regularly and all the times for an enjoyable browsing capability.- · Software
- · Bug cleaners
- · Browser
- · Fixtures
- · Ad blocker
- · Operating system
- · Antivirus
- · Security settings
Right connection
Your internet
connection is directly proportional to your browsing experience. If you have
fast internet connection, your browsing speed will obviously be good. With this
high speed internet you can buffer videos, view images, play games, download
files, connect to Wi-Fi without any interruption, whereas with slow internet
connection, it would be completely opposite.
So, it is better to
choose an internet connection based on your usage. In general 512kb internet
connection is regarded as adequate one. To enhance your internet speed, you can
deactivate flash, images and Java from your browser settings.
Right browser
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer are the most popular web browsers. Each of these have their own independent features, you can choose any of them based on your computer’s compatibility.Better open your sites on various browsers and compare your experience prior making a decision.
Affixthese tricks to fix your experience
Apart from organizing your system, you need to follow certain tips for safe and faster accessing of data on your web browsers. - · Use keyboard and browser shortcuts to access the functions quickly
- · If you like to send multiple files faster, you can do this by compressing them
- · Clear temporary internet files, history and cookies that is stored on your gadget
- · Turn off the graphics to increase your browsing speed
- · To safeguard your privacy, use the new Do Not Track features
- · Send emails, messages and files through distribution lists
- · Configure your settings to load pages automatically
- · Use simple signatures to reduce the email size
- · Standardize Zoom Level
- · Use pin and drag techniques to manipulate your tabs
- · Save webpages and browse offline
- · To browse privately you can use incognito window
- · Increase you cache to open your webpages quickly
- · To help monitor your browser, you can rely on your Task Manager
- · Search quicker with keyword book marks
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