Sunday, September 22, 2013

How To Improve USB Pen Drive Data Transfer Speed In Windows

Nowadays, USB drive has definitely become one of the major medium through which data is transferred to and from the computers. But, you might have notice that sometimes you feel like data transfer speed should be more. Although, it depends upon the type of USB drive that is being used and its performance, but still there are many ways by which one can surely improve the performance of the USB drive. One of such solutions has been recently introduced by Microsoft which has been specially designed and developed for the Windows 7 operating system.

A hotfix KB2581464 updated by Microsoft for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 users to increase the maximum transfer size of USB storage devices. Windows 8 already got that :)

To Get the Hotfix download:
Get hotfix link to your email from Microsoft.

After you install this update, you can increase the maximum transfer size from 64 kilobytes (KB) to 2 megabytes (MB) for USB storage devices.

Install KB2581464 Hotfix

1. Download hotfix KB2581464 and installed, then reboot PC.
2. Click ‘Start’ and type ‘regedit’ in windows 7 search box, press enter.
3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\usbstor
4. Create a new sub-key VVVVPPPP under usbstor.
5.In right side panel,right click select ‘New’ -> ‘DWORD Value’, give a name as ‘MaximumTransferLength‘.


6. Double click ‘MaximumTransferLength’, set Base to Decimal and key in Value data to 2097120.
USB transfer size

7.Then restart PC again. That all.
Below are the screenshot copy speed rate before and after applied hotfix which transfer a 649 MB size file to Buffalo external hard disk.
Hotfix increase USB transfer rate
Hotfix increase USB transfer rate

Noticed that Copy speed is 100% increase after applied the new hotfix.

PS : Not all the USB storage devices performance can be improve after applied this hotfix. This update supports this change when the hardware vendor provides a device information file (INF) to set this value for the USB storage devices.

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