Sunday, September 3, 2017

Google Chrome completes 9 years but do you know these 5 hidden features of the browser?

Google Chrome on Saturday completed its 9th anniversary. The web browser, launched by search engine giant Google on September 2, 2008, has undergone so many updates since then. As the browser completes its 9 years today, we bring to you a number of features you probably didn’t know about:-
Incognito Mode
A number of people may not know about the use of “Incognito mode”. The best thing about Incognito is that your browser doesn’t keep a track of browsing history, nor will it store any cookies from your browsing. This is a stand apart option when browsing for things that you might not want the world to know about. However, it should be noted that the feature does not block your behavior from being monitored by work or by the websites you visit (they can still log your IP address).
Omnibox is another stand apart feature used by a few people. A person can automatically search through many websites without actually going to those sites. The only requirement – they should be there is your list of search engines.
Drag Multiple Tabs
A person may be familiar with the Chrome feature of dragging and dropping tabs into their own browser windows. However, what they may not know that it can be done with more than one tab at a time. So, start the experiment now – just long press the Ctrl key and click on all the tabs you wish to move and you can move them as one. If you’re using a Mac, hold the Command key.
Get all your accidentally closed tabs open at ones
We all mistakenly close tabs. However, Chrome is a browser that makes it possible to get all the tabs back at once. All you need to do is just right-click on another open tab and select “Reopen closed tab”. Or, simply press Control-Shift-T (Command-Shift-T on a Mac) and Chrome will reopen any recently closed tabs.
Drag a URL to the Bookmarks
If you want a quick access to a website you frequently visit, this is a feature which stands apart and makes hassle free access to a particular website.  You can quickly add the website to your Bookmarks Bar by highlighting the URL and dragging directly down to the Bar.

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